Monday, 11 July 2011

Elephants in the livingroom

It seems the Mail is happy to focus anything other than the hacking scandal (wonder why?).

Previously, Wills and Kate provided a couple of days banner headlines across the top of the website.

Now it is, "Pregnant at 15, daughter of Britain's most prolific single mother (... and, of course, she's on benefits just like mum)" (1) and below that, "The new north-south divide: Two families 300 miles apart earn £50,000... but one struggles and the other lives in luxury" (2).

I guess the first rule of phone hacking is: "You do not talk about PHONE HACKING."

EDIT - since composing this, I notice the Mail has bumped both these stories down the page, in favour of a write up on - gosh - Wills and Kate, and another on focusing on the Milly Dowler strand of the hacking saga. But it is still pretty token stuff.
1 - As described previosuly on lefthandpalm:
2 - "Pregnant at 15, daughter of Britain's most prolific single mother (... and, of course, she's on benefits just like mum)," by Neil Sears. Published in the Daily Mail, 11th of July, 2011. (
3 "The new north-south divide: Two families 300 miles apart earn 50k but one struggles and the other lives in luxury," by Alison Smith Squire. Published in the Daily Mail, 11th of July, 2011.


Robert said...

Well we are hearing more of Murdock's crap is in trouble, with Gordon Brown, normally I' d not bother with this bloke, but this is actually a crime and it seems the Sun is now in trouble and the Sunday times.

I suspect the Daily Heil next, but it could not happen to a nicer company

lurgee said...

As a leftie, and an ex-paper boy, who spent cold morning hours toiling around the very steep streets of a small west-coast-of-Scotland town, delivering The Sun and The News of the World and The Mail, I can't help but smirk a bit, while being SHOCKED and DISGUSTED by all the disgraceful behaviour being exposed, and pitying the innocents Murdoch is throwing under the bus.

Pelosi turns on Harris, low key

 Like everyone else, Nancy Pelosi is looking for reasons for why the Democrats lost the election.  Her preferred candidate seems to be Kamal...