Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Arrogant, elitist cocks

From The Independent:

Even Mr Miliband has been affected by the ongoing teething problems. One high-profile political colleague was surprised to find the Climate Change Secretary holding a meeting in a small side room with plastic chairs, rather than in the more suitable surroundings of a ministerial office.

"After holding court in the plush ministerial office of [former Environment secretary] Hilary Benn, it was a bit of a change to find Ed in a small room with plastic chairs, a table and a white board," said an official present at the meeting. "It looked like a classroom." (1)

Obviously, some in the Labour party have become too accustomed to luxury and have lost their egalitarian instinct. Surely, if it is good enough for the children of the workers, it is good enough for their political representatives?

Or are some animals more equal than others?
1 - ' No, minister: mandarins frustrate Miliband's green revolution,' by Michael Savage, published in The Independent, 17th of March, 2009. (

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