Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Anti-Semitism and Tommy Robinson = views

The views-per-page for some of my recent postings:

Depressing, isn't it?  Provide thoughtful and wise commentary on the mainstream of British politics and no-one notices.  Make a passing reference to Tommy DICKHEAD Robinson in a thread title and you get hundreds of views.  Write something about anti-Semitism and you get another tonne.

What is wrong with the interwebs?

Can't wait to see how this baitishly titled post fares.


Sanctuary said...

I try to read most of your stuff, especially about Brexit.

lurgee said...

Oh, I didn't realise I had a Loyal Following. I apologise for providing such shoddy service of late.

I'd mostly given up, but now I know there is An Audience Out There, hanging on my every word, I'll try to do more of this blogging thing, though I suspect the Glory Days of yelling into the ether are behind us.

Pelosi turns on Harris, low key

 Like everyone else, Nancy Pelosi is looking for reasons for why the Democrats lost the election.  Her preferred candidate seems to be Kamal...